340 research outputs found

    Wavepacket instability in a rectangular porous channel uniformly heated from below

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    This paper is aimed to investigate the transition to absolute instability in a porous layer with horizontal throughflow. The importance of this analysis is due to the possible experimental failure to detect growing perturbations which are localised in space and which may be convected away by the throughflow. The instability of the uniform flow in a horizontal rectangular channel subject to uniform heating from below and cooled from above is studied. While the lower wall is modelled as an impermeable isoflux plane, the upper wall is assumed to be impermeable and imperfectly conducting, so that a Robin temperature condition with a given Biot number is prescribed. The sidewalls are assumed to be adiabatic and impermeable. The basic state considered here is a stationary parallel flow with a vertical uniform temperature gradient, namely the typical configuration describing the Darcy–Bénard instability with throughflow. The linear instability of localised wavepackets is analysed, thus detecting the parametric conditions for the transition to absolute instability. The absolute instability is formulated through an eigenvalue problem based on an eighth–order system of ordinary differential equations. The solution is sought numerically by utilising the shooting method. The threshold to absolute instability is detected versus the Péclet number associated with the basic flow rate along the channel

    On the stability of the isoflux Darcy–Bénard problem with a generalised basic state

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    The scope of this study is to determine the conditions for the onset of the instability in a horizontal porous layer subject to isoflux boundary conditions and with an infinitely wide single–cell basic flow. When the circulation in the basic cellular flow is absent, one recovers the usual Darcy–Bénard conduction basic state. The governing parameters are the Rayleigh number associated with the uniform wall heat flux, and the dimensionless horizontal temperature gradient. The latter parameter controls the magnitude of the basic cellular circulation flow in the horizontal direction. The modal analysis of the instability is carried out numerically by employing a pseudo–spectral method, as well as the shooting method for the solution of the stability eigenvalue problem. Neutral stability and the critical conditions for the onset of the convective instability of the basic state are investigated.</p

    On the stability of the isoflux Darcy–Bénard problem with a generalised basic state

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    none5siThe scope of this study is to determine the conditions for the onset of the instability in a horizontal porous layer subject to isoflux boundary conditions and with an infinitely wide single–cell basic flow. When the circulation in the basic cellular flow is absent, one recovers the usual Darcy–Bénard conduction basic state. The governing parameters are the Rayleigh number associated with the uniform wall heat flux, and the dimensionless horizontal temperature gradient. The latter parameter controls the magnitude of the basic cellular circulation flow in the horizontal direction. The modal analysis of the instability is carried out numerically by employing a pseudo–spectral method, as well as the shooting method for the solution of the stability eigenvalue problem. Neutral stability and the critical conditions for the onset of the convective instability of the basic state are investigated.noneVayssiere Brandão, P.; Barletta, A.; Celli, M.; Alves, L.S. de B.; Rees, D.A.S.Vayssiere Brandão, P.; Barletta, A.; Celli, M.; Alves, L.S. de B.; Rees, D.A.S

    Heterotopic autotransplantation of ovarian tissue in a large animal model: Effects of cooling and VEGF.

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    Heterotopic and orthotopic ovarian tissue autotransplantation techniques, currently used in humans, will become promising alternative methods for fertility preservation in domestic and wild animals. Thus, this study describes for the first time the efficiency of a heterotopic ovarian tissue autotransplantation technique in a large livestock species (i.e., horses) after ovarian fragments were exposed or not to a cooling process (4°C/24 h) and/or VEGF before grafting. Ovarian fragments were collected in vivo via an ultrasound-guided biopsy pick-up method and surgically autografted in a subcutaneous site in both sides of the neck in each mare. The blood flow perfusion at the transplantation site was monitored at days 2, 4, 6, and 7 post-grafting using color-Doppler ultrasonography. Ovarian grafts were recovered 7 days post-transplantation and subjected to histological analyses. The exposure of the ovarian fragments to VEGF before grafting was not beneficial to the quality of the tissue; however, the cooling process of the fragments reduced the acute hyperemia post-grafting. Cooled grafts compared with non-cooled grafts contained similar values for normal and developing preantral follicles, vessel density, and stromal cell apoptosis; lower collagen type III fibers and follicular density; and higher stromal cell density, AgNOR, and collagen type I fibers. In conclusion, VEGF exposure before autotransplantation did not improve the quality of grafted tissues. However, cooling ovarian tissue for at least 24 h before grafting can be beneficial because satisfactory rates of follicle survival and development, stromal cell survival and proliferation, as well as vessel density, were obtained

    Does resistance training improve body image satisfaction among the elderly? A cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate whether body image satisfaction improves with practice in resistance training in elderly women. METHODS: Forty women were selected and randomly divided into an untrained group (UN) group and a group trained in resistance exercises (RT). To evaluate body image satisfaction, the silhouette matching task was used. RESULTS: No differences were found between current (5.45±0.24) and ideal (4.7±0.12) silhouettes in the RT group. However, the UN group showed a significant difference (po0.01) between current (10.4±0.43) and ideal (5.6±0.26) silhouettes. The current silhouette was significantly different between the UN and RT groups (po0.002). However, the ideal silhouette value did not differ between them. Body satisfaction was present in 90% of the participants in the RT group, and the difference was 15% less than that in the UN group (x2 test, po0.001). CONCLUSION: Resistance training in elderly women can promote satisfaction with their body image

    Metabolismo antioxidante de pedúnculos e frutos de Coffea arabica L. com diferentes forças de desprendimento.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o metabolismo antioxidante de pedúnculos e frutos de Coffea arabica em diferentes estádios de maturação e forças de desprendimento. Frutos e pedúnculos de cafeeiro foram coletados com auxílio de um dinamômetro portátil em diferentes estádios de maturação e forças de desprendimento (10 ? 13N e 8 ? 9,9N, 6 ? 6,9N e 5 ? 5,9N, 4 ? 4,9 e 2 ? 3,9N). Após a coleta o material vegetal foi separado em cada intervalo de força pré-determinado e colocado em nitrogênio líquido até o armazenamento em ultrafreezer. Foram quantificados os níveis de peróxido de hidrogênio, peroxidação lipídica e a atividade das enzimas dismutase do superóxido, catalase e peroxidase do ascorbato. Maiores níveis de peróxido de hidrogênio foram observados no estádio cereja independente da força de desprendimento e órgão. Ocorreu diferença entre as forças, bem como entre os órgãos, sendo os maiores níveis encontrados nos frutos. Isto culminou com uma maior peroxidação lipídica nos frutos do estádio cereja na maior força de desprendimento utilizada. Em relação à atividade das enzimas antioxidantes, a dismutase do superóxido apresentou-se constante entre os estádios de maturação, bem como entre as forças, porém com maior atividade nos pedúnculos. A atividade da catalase foi maior no estádio cereja, em detrimento da atividade da peroxidase do ascorbato. Pode-se concluir que durante o processo de maturação ocorre maior produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, com um consequente aumento nos níveis de peroxidção lipídica. Entre as enzimas antioxidantes, a catalase e a peroxidase do ascorbato atuam na tentativa de minimizar os efeitos nocivos das EROs, porém o estresse oxidativo é necessário para o processo de maturação dos frutos de Coffea arabica cv Icatu amarelo

    CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF Amburana acreana Ducke A. C. Sm. LEAVES

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    This study aimed to isolate, purify and characterize secondary metabolites present in Amburana acreana leaves, native to the state of Rondônia, using classical chromatographic methods and 1D, 2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. From the hydroethanolic leaves extract of A. acreana, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, coumarin, campesterol 3-β-D-glucoside and amburoside B, all known compounds, were identified. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of isolation and chemical characterization of secondary metabolites in A. acreana. In addition, in vitro assays indicated that amburoside B does not have inhibitory potential on the growth of gram-negative bacteria. The presence of these compounds suggests that, thus far, amburosides (A and B) could be chemotaxonomic markers of the genus Amburana